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Monday is a work management platform that facilitates team collaboration, project management and task automation.

Application cases
  • Web Project Management
  • Content Planning
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
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  • Form signing
  • Free / €8 / €10 / €16
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1. What is is a project management and team collaboration platform that provides centralized tracking of tasks, deadlines and objectives.

2. Why use

  • Centralized management: You can manage all your Webflow projects, from tasks to deadlines, in one place.
  • Improved collaboration: Facilitate communication between team members, which is essential for web development projects.
  • Task automation: Automate repetitive tasks, allowing you to concentrate on more creative aspects of web development.

3. Complementarity with Webflow

  • Easy integration: can be easily integrated with Webflow, enabling a smooth transition between design and project management.
  • Real-time tracking: You can track project progress in real time, which is useful for Webflow projects where changes are frequent.

4. The pros and cons of

  • Advantages: Ease of use, high level of customization, multiple integrations.
  • Disadvantages: Can be expensive for small teams, and there s a learning curve to exploit all the features.

5. Conclusion

Using alongside Webflow can dramatically improve your efficiency in project management and team collaboration. It allows you to centralize all your tasks and communications, making the process smoother and more manageable.