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Figma web design agency for your website

Our goal : to create unique experiences for each of your users.
We create the web design of your future website on Figma while respecting all the best practices in terms of UI and UX.
If you want to go further, we also offer to integrate your Figma dsign directly into Webflow.

Image d'illustration ; deux écrans d'ordinateur et deux écrans de portable avec des projets clients réalisés sur Webflow

We create professional websites

With more than 50 Figma projects to Webflow, Ouiflow is now a recognized Webflow agency.

We made the choice to specialize in Figma to bring your website design to life.

Find out how our Figma agency can help you right now!

Why you should web design on Figma

Responsive design

Our Figma agency ensures that our sites are perfectly optimized for mobiles.

With more than 60% of web traffic, it is essential that your site is optimized for all devices.

UI/UX thinking

We don't just make your Figma mockup look great.

We also focus on conveying the right messages and creating a model designed for conversion.

Design System

Figma allows you to create and manage a Design System, which makes it easy to maintain consistency between all the pages of your website.

We will use this Design System in Style Guide under Webflow.

Advanced prototyping

Figma has built-in prototyping capabilities, which allows us to create interactive prototypes to test the functionalities of your website before you even have to put it online.

Collaborative and user-friendly

A real collaborative tool, Figma allows you to work in teams and in real time.

Its intuitive interface makes this tool easy to use for users of all levels.

Integration with Webflow

Figma integrates perfectly with numerous tools and especially with Webflow.

This facilitates collaboration between designers and developers and allows Webflow sites to be developed to the pixel.


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Take a few minutes to
talk to a web design expert!

From Figma design to the development of your Webflow website


Discovering your needs

The first step in any website development project is to gather your needs.
As a Figma and Webflow agency, our aim is to discover how your website will be most useful to your business. We will set up various workshops that will define the solid bases for the development of your model on Figma and your site on Webflow.


Design of the model on Figma

Because Figma and Webflow are very complementary, we chose to focus on this tool to create the perfect layout for your website.
We will start by establishing a “wireframes” version of your website, then we will create the final model of your new Webflow site.


Webflow development

Once the models have been validated, our experts will integrate your Figma model on Webflow while respecting all good web development practices.
We will develop your Webflow site according to my Client-First methodology, which will allow you to have a site understandable by all Webflow developers.
Be sure to get a perfectly responsive, fast, scalable site.


Setting up technical SEO

We will have worked on a coherent and SEO-friendly structure beforehand for your new website.
We will add the markup and put in place all the best practices in terms of natural referencing: sitemap, robots.txt, canonical tag...
We also make sure to optimize the loading times of each page of your new Webflow site.


Integration of tools and addition of tracking

We will integrate all the tools necessary for the proper functioning of your website: Multilingual, cookies, online appointment scheduling module, Chatbot...
We will set up tracking beacons in order to be able to analyze the data on your website easily.
We can also automate some of your tasks using tools like Make or Zapier.


Putting your Webflow site online and training

After several weeks of intensive work, it will be time to launch your new Webflow site.
We will take the opportunity to train your marketing teams so that you are as autonomous as possible in the daily management of your new Webflow site.

Image d'illustration ; ordinateur portable

The most frequently asked questions

What tool do you use to design your web mockups?

At Ouiflow, we have chosen to use Figma for the creation of website mockups. This decision is motivated by several distinct advantages that Figma offers over other design tools such as Sketch and Adobe XD.

First of all, Figma makes it easy collaboration in real time between members of the Ouiflow team and our customers. Plus, its intuitive user interface and advanced features, like reusable components and shared styles, allow a more consistent and professional design.

Compared to Adobe XD or Sketch, Figma offers better integration with other tools and services, which simplifies the workflow.

The use of Figma at Ouiflow allows us to maximize Effectiveness, The collaboration and the quality of the design, in order to guarantee the total satisfaction of our customers.

How many back and forth trips are planned when the model is designed?

As much as needed!

With Ouiflow, you benefit from unlimited flexibility in terms of revisions throughout the design phase. Our human-sized agency aims to guarantee your 100% satisfaction in all areas of your project, including the design of your future website. Our working methods refined over time and experience allow us to be sure to move your project forward while following your goals and design constraints.

What is a UI/UX workshop and needs discovery?

The UI/UX workshop is a collaborative working method that allows you to understand your needs, your expectations in terms of design and the business objectives of your project. It allows ideas to be designed, prototyped and tested in a limited amount of time.

True collaborative work between your teams and those of Ouiflow, the UI/UX workshop allows us to discuss before the start of the project and therefore allows us to offer the right orientation to the project before moving on to the model design phase.