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It s a collaboration platform that combines documents, spreadsheets and applications to create personalised, interactive workspaces.

Application cases
  • Data base
  • Project tracking
  • Todo list
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    Key figures
  • 4.7 / 5 (399 reviews)
  • Free / $10 / $30 / month
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    1. What is Coda?

    Coda is a collaboration platform that integrates documents, spreadsheets and applications to create personalized, interactive workspaces.

    2. Why use Coda?

    • Project organization: Coda can serve as a project management center, where you can track tasks, deadlines and collaboration for your Webflow site.
    • Task automation: Coda offers automation features that can simplify repetitive tasks related to managing your site.

    3. Complementarity between Coda and Webflow

    Coda can act as a dashboard for your Webflow project, keeping your team organized and tracking progress in real time.

    4. Advantages and disadvantages of Coda

    Advantages :

    • Flexibility: Coda is highly customizable, allowing you to create workspaces that match your specific needs.
    • Real-time collaboration: Several people can work on the same document, making collaboration easier.

    Disadvantages :

    • Learning curve: Although powerful, Coda may take some time to master all its features.
    • Cost: Although it offers a free version, some advanced features require a paid subscription.

    5. Conclusion

    If you use Webflow to create websites, adding Coda to your toolbox can improve organization and collaboration within your team, while automating tasks to make the development process more efficient.