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Linguana is a tool that offers translations in many languages directly on Webflow.

Application cases
  • International expansion
  • Multilingual SEO optimization
  • Cultural adaptation
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Key figures
  • 4 / 5 (1 review)
  • Free / $19 / $49 / $99 / month
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1. What is Linguana?

Linguana is a translation and localization service that enables companies to translate and adapt their content for different markets and languages.

2. Why use Linguana?

  • Global reach: Linguana enables you to translate your Webflow site to reach an international audience, expanding your target market.
  • Quality Translations: Unlike machine translation, Linguana offers high-quality translations that take cultural context into account.

3. How Linguana and Webflow complement each other

Webflow lets you create visually appealing websites, while Linguana ensures that the content is accessible and relevant to an international audience. Using the two together enables you to reach a wider audience.

4. The advantages and disadvantages of Linguana

Advantages :

  • Professional translations: Linguana offers high-quality translations, which can enhance your site s credibility.
  • Easy integration: The service can usually be easily integrated with platforms such as Webflow, simplifying the localization process.


  • Cost: Professional translation services can be expensive, especially if you re targeting multiple languages.
  • Implementationtime: The translation and localization process can take time, potentially delaying the launch of localized versions of your site.

5. Conclusion

If you use Webflow to create websites, adding Linguana to your toolset can help you extend your global reach and improve the user experience for an international audience. This can make your site more competitive and accessible on the global market.