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It is an online translation service that uses AI to provide accurate and natural translations between several languages.

Application cases
  • Automatic translation
  • Translation of texts and files (PDF, docx, ppt)
  • Proposal of several variants (Machine Learning)
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Key figures
  • 4.6 / 5 (42 reviews)
  • Free / €7.49 / €24.99 / €49.99 / month
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1. What is DeepL?

DeepL is an online translation service that uses artificial intelligence to provide high-quality translations between multiple languages.

2. Why use DeepL?

  • Global accessibility: DeepL can help you translate the content of your Webflow site, making it accessible to an international audience.
  • Accurate translations: DeepL is known for its accuracy, which can improve the quality and credibility of your site.

3. DeepL and Webflow complement each other

Translations generated by DeepL can be easily integrated into your Webflow site, enabling you to create a multilingual site without much effort.

4. The advantages and disadvantages of DeepL

Advantages :

  • Ease of use: DeepL is very user-friendly and can be used without any technical skills.
  • Translation quality: Translations are often more natural and accurate than those of other online services.


  • Cost: Although it offers a free version, some advanced features require a paid subscription.
  • Language limitations: DeepL supports only a limited number of languages compared to some other translation services.

5. Conclusion

If you use Webflow to create websites, adding DeepL to your toolbox can help you make your site accessible to a wider audience and improve the quality of your content in multiple languages.