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Folk is an all-in-one CRM that simplifies contact and interaction management, improving team collaboration and efficiency.

Application cases
  • Investor relations management for a startup
  • Organization of professional events
  • Targeted marketing campaigns
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Key figures
  • 4.5 / 5 (11 reviews)
  • $18 / $29 / month
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1. What is Folk?

Folk is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform designed to centralize, organize and enrich your business contacts. It offers a variety of tools for managing pipelines, sending emails and sequences, and integrating with other essential tools. Folk stands out for its ability to automatically synchronize and enrich contacts, facilitating prospecting and interaction follow-up.

2. Why use Folk?

Using Folk can transform the way companies manage their business relationships through :

  • Contact centralization: Folk enables you to consolidate all your contacts and interactions in one place, providing a clear and accessible overview.
  • Automated prospecting: With features like one-click enrichment and automated email sequences, Folk reduces time spent on repetitive tasks.
  • Customized pipeline management: Folk s pipelines are modular and collaborative, adapted to various sales and project management scenarios.

3. Complementarity with Webflow

Folk integrates seamlessly with Webflow, enabling users to combine the power of Webflow for website creation with Folk s advanced contact management capabilities. This integration can :

  • Improve workflow between marketing and sales, by synchronizing leads captured on Webflow directly into Folk.
  • Enable efficient management of contacts and marketing campaigns directly from Folk, using data captured by Webflow.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of Folk


  • Easy integration: Connect Webflow and Folk for seamless contact synchronization.
  • Process automation: Automate lead follow-up and interactions through integration.
  • Improved collaboration: Easily share information between marketing and sales teams.


  • Initial setup: Requires configuration to align fields and workflows between the two platforms.
  • Functionality learning: May require some adaptation time to master all the functionalities offered by the integration.
  • Dependence on updates: Changes in Webflow or Folk may require adjustments in the integration.

5. Conclusion

Folk is an innovative, all-in-one CRM solution for professionals looking to optimize their relationship management. Its complementarity with Webflow offers significant advantages, including :

  • Improved management of leads and contacts.
  • Greater automation and efficiency in marketing and sales campaigns.
  • Improved collaboration between teams thanks to centralized information.

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