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Why will No-Code become indispensable?

Illustration image 3D shapes

What is No-Code?

No-Code is an approach that enables all users to use design tools without having to write a single line of code. No-code speeds up application development and meets the need for automated workflows and customized software creation faster than traditional coding approaches.

No-code applies code visually, often using drag and drop.

Reasons to use No-Code platforms

No-Code cuts costs

Demand for application and website development will outstrip capacity to deliver the work by five times by the end of 2024 (source Gartner).

No-Code platforms make it easier to create new applications without the need for an expensive and hard-to-find development team. With No-Code, you can reduce your development costs by up to 80%.

No-Code cuts lead times

With the growing development of No-Code and productivity tools, it s possible to save a lot of time on the development of your application or website.
Using a team of developers, it takes an average of 4 months to develop an application. By using No-Code tools, you can cut this development time in half.

No-Code lets you focus on important functionalities

No-Code requires less formal programming expertise, allowing you to focus on the core of the application without having to code. With No-Code, you can more easily try new things and focus on getting to know your customers and creating a product they ll appreciate.

No-Code has enabled companies to adapt faster

The Covid-19 pandemic and remote working conditions have forced companies to rapidly rethink their technological and organizational strategies.
No-Code platforms provide a core technology for organizations to constantly innovate and accelerate market adaptation.

Numerous No-Code solutions have enabled companies to adapt quickly so that they can continue in business.

No-Code is more secure in most cases

No-Code platforms offer extensive security features, enabling authorized users to configure and monitor system security at all times. What s more, industry best practices guarantee the security and confidentiality of stored data by supporting it at both application and network levels.

The disadvantages of No-Code

Customization on No-Code platforms can be restricted, so you won t be able to develop all the features you want.

If you use a reliable solution, there s very little chance that you won t be able to enjoy all the benefits of No-Code.

Creating a No-Code website with Webflow

Webflow offers many advantages for building your website. Webflow lets you :

  1. a 100% personalized website
  2. maintain control over your website
  3. a light, fast website
  4. an ultra-secure website (and that s no mean feat)
  5. a well-referenced website (#SEO friendly)

Discover all the advantages of Webflow in our dedicated article.


No-Code allows users to take advantage of technology to create tools and automate workflows without coding skills.

Using No-Code is a great idea that will give you the freedom to develop and customize a website or application faster, while reducing your development budget.