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Webflow Conference 2022 : Key announcements

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WebFlow 2022 Conference: What you need to know.

The famous Webflow conference came to a close just 15 days ago. As always, it s not easy to keep track of everything that s going on. That s why Ouiflow has put together a summary of the most important points to remember.

La Webflow Conf 2022 s est déroulée du 9 au 10 Novembre
Webflow Conf 2022 took place from November 9 to 10.

The 3 main themes of the Webflow conference:

  • Improving the visual development sector
  • Enable better collaboration between Webflow and its users, by investing in communication.
  • Promote communication between Webflow users by simplifying inter-community support and communication via discussion channels (such as Discord or Webflow Forums).

Improving the visual development sector.

The first part of the conference was very dense. We ve selected the most important points for you.

  1. The first and most important point is the evolution of the symbol system into that of components.

In concrete terms, the addition of components will enable you to :

  • Customize your texts and symbols by having the power to modify each property of the various components.
  • Integrate CMS (dynamic data) inside your components, enabling you to keep different designs for reuse.
  • Finally, you can choose to show or hide component elements for even greater flexibility in adapting to each project.
Les components principales nouveautés de la Webflow conf
Components, the main news from the Webflow conference
  1. The future addition of the DevLink tool will further optimize the way you use Webflow. The tool will enable you or your designers to create "building blocks " directly from Webflow, enabling your developers to use them directly from Webflow too!
  2. Another important update is the addition of the ability to transform your site into a multilingual site. You ll be able to customize your site for each country:
  • Change the meta title and meta description according to the target country
  • Create pages with country-specific URLs
  • Or connect a translation software API.
 Le multi language, une autre innovation majeure qui fera pourra donner une tout autre envergure à vos sites Webflow
Multi-language, another major innovation that will give your Webflow sites a whole new dimension.

Improved Webflow/user collaboration.

Communication betweenteams and customers is the corn erstone of Webflow projects. Without perfect cooperation from both parties, it s impossible for the customer to get exactly what he wants, and therefore impossible for the designer to satisfy him fully.

The two key additions to this section:

  1. It is now possible to communicate with the customer directly from the Workspace. Prior to this major addition, communication between client and Webflow designer was complicated. To modify an X point, you had to go through several repetitive steps, wasting time and money for both customer and designer. With the addition of this feature, there s no need! The addition of this feature will simplify your exchanges and make your work easier.
  2. Page Branching: A very practical feature that allows a team of 6 people to work on 6 different pages of the same project at the same time. Greatly optimizing effective working time by sharing tasks, this addition will delight you if you want to divide up tasks to boost your productivity.

The Webflow community: its strong point?

As any Webflow user knows, the Webflow community is talented and supportive.

It s one of Webflow s great strengths, which is why the last part of the conference was dedicated to them.

  1. Introducing the Webflow Marketplace: You ve been dreaming of a Webflow Appstore? Well, here it is. With a store dedicated to templates and plugin integration, you ll soon be able to enjoy 100% Webflow content , and therefore 100% secure content, because it s supervised by the parent company! But that s not all: with the addition of an online Webflow site library, you ll be able to browse from creation to creation on a host of different themes,drawing inspiration from the best so that you, in turn, can propose a unique creation!
Un lieu d échange et d exposition pour vos plus belles créations
The Marketplace, a place to exchange and showcase your finest creations

A marketplace for selling?

Of course, you can also showcase your content to distribute your products and services to as many people as possible. Each creator will have his or her own space in the Marketplace, where they can add products and services as they see fit.

Webflow will also enable you to develop your own Webflow application. All you have to do is get it approved by the company, and it will be added to the Marketplace.

  1. Webflow has also announced a massive investment of $10 million to help the various Webflow community players develop theWebflow community with various community events. This fund will also be used to help newcomers learn Webflow.

Webconf 2022 was packed with content and promise. We ve summarized the main points for you, but you can find the whole conference here.

We hope this summary has helped you, our other Webflow articles and, above all, don t forget :

It s your turn!