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Webflow agency for convert your Figma model to Webflow

Convert your Figma models on Webflow with our specialized agency on Webflow. We integrate your designs with precision to create a functional and efficient Webflow site.
We also take care of following all best practices and implementing technical SEO.

Illustration montrant le passage d'une maquette Figma vers Webflow

Give us your Figma model and leave our Webflow experts Do the work

Converting a Figma model to Webflow requires special expertise in order to comply with all best practices.

We take into account the particularities of your design and your market to integrate your models on Webflow.
But we do not stop there, we are setting up all the technical bases necessary to set up an efficient Webflow site.

2 weeks

Average time to convert a Figma model to Webflow


the autonomy of your marketing teams thanks to Ouiflow training

What are the specific needs for your convert your Figma model to Webflow?

As certified Webflow experts, we are used to integrating Figma models down to the pixel.
Whether you have developed your models internally or by another agency, we will be able to integrate your designs on Webflow in order to give you a functional and efficient site.


Sending your model under Figma

We review your Figma mockup to provide you with a fixed price for each page as well as a schedule for the project.


Meeting to define specific points to know before integration

We review your mockups in order to be all aligned with the functionalities or small changes to be made.


Development on Webflow

We will have worked on a coherent and SEO-friendly structure beforehand for your new website.
We will add the markup and put in place all the best practices in terms of natural referencing: sitemap, robots.txt, canonical tag...
We also make sure to optimize the loading times of each page of your new Webflow site.


Sharing the Webflow site and feedback on a dedicated tool

Once we have completed 90% of the project, we will share a link with you so you can review the website and provide feedback directly online.


Training and getting started with your new Webflow site

We train your teams and provide assistance in using your new website. Our goal will be to make you as autonomous as possible in the daily management of your new Webflow site.


Launch of the site on the desired date

Once your new Webflow site has been submitted for final testing, we transfer it to your own Webflow account and put it online on the desired date.

Image d'un macbook préparé pour travailler sur Webflow
Image d'un expert Webflow qui travaille sur la création d'un site au sein de l'agence Webflow Ouiflow

Why go through experts for convert your Figma model to Webflow?

When it comes to converting your Figma model into a functional website on Webflow, expertise makes all the difference. Our dedicated experts understand the intricacies of design, development, and optimization needed for a successful conversion.

We ensure that every element of your design is faithfully reproduced, that interactions are smooth, and that the end result meets your expectations. Save time and avoid frustration by letting our experienced team manage the complex transition from the Figma model to the Webflow site, while providing you with a result that exceeds your expectations.

Ouiflow, they are Webflow experts Who are used to convert Figma models on Webflow

At Ouiflow, we are proud to bring advanced expertise to the conversion of Figma models into Webflow sites.

Our experienced team is used to juggling these two tools, which allows us to ensure an impeccable transformation of your designs into an interactive experience. We are committed to accurately replicating every detail of your vision, while adding intuitive interactions to bring your ideas to life.

By opting for Ouiflow, you are choosing a conversion that is professional, smooth and adapted to your creative needs, without complications or false promises.

Un expert Webflow qui travaille sur son ordinateur

The benefits of building your site on Webflow

Icône représentant l'intégration d'outils avec Webflow

Taking back control

No more dependence on developers or a marketing agency. You can go from an idea to a published site, without any technical challenges.
Icône représentant la performance SEO sur Webflow

Speed of execution

Built for performance, Webflow allows you to implement changes in real time, speed up load time, and optimize the user experience.
Icône représentant la certification Webflow

Maximum security

Thanks to cutting-edge security protocols and a robust infrastructure, Webflow provides rock-solid protection against online threats. Thus offering you total peace of mind.
Icône représentant l'évolutivité des sites Webflow

Scalable website

As your business grows, your website will need to evolve with it.

With our Webflow agency, this is not a problem. We focus on building a website that will be ready to grow with you.
Icône représentant l'encouragement

Easy-to-access CMS

With an intuitive user interface and features that are easy to master, your teams can easily manage content and make updates. Free yourself from technical constraints and give your team the power to manage your site independently.
Icône représentant l'UI/IX design

Pixel-perfect design

We create pixel-perfect designs that accurately reflect your vision and quality standards. Every element, color, and interaction is precisely calibrated to provide an unparalleled viewing experience. Don't settle for less, go for design excellence.

Take a few minutes to
talk to a Webflow expert!

Les questions The most asked

Why use a Webflow agency for your website?

To succeed in today's digital world, it is essential to have a website that not only stands out aesthetically, but is also optimized for performance and referencing. This involves a multitude of components, ranging from visual design unto user experience, not to mention a natural referencing strategy well thought out.

This is where the crucial role of Webflow experts. To successfully navigate these complex waters, The expertise of web design and SEO professionals on Webflow is indispensable. That is precisely what Ouiflow offers you.

Web performance: We focus on vital aspects such as fast loading, a solid architecture, and a focus on customer needs.

Complete SEO strategy: Ouiflow ensures that your site is in full compliance with SEO best practices, while implementing an integrated SEO strategy that covers blog content, on-page optimization, and an effective netlinking plan.

By opting for Ouiflow, you are choosing A Webflow agency unequalled in the creation of optimized and efficient websites on Webflow!

Why is it important to have a multilingual Webflow site?

Designing a tailor-made multilingual Webflow site requires particular expertise to meet the specific needs of each company. A multilingual site makes it possible to reach a global audience and adapt the content to the linguistic requirements of each audience.