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Zendesk, the all-in-one customer support tool, centralises tickets, chats and calls for SMEs and large enterprises with an intuitive interface.

Application cases
  • Multi-channel customer service management
  • Technical support and in-house assistance
  • Improvement of existing customer service

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Key figures
  • 4.4 / 5 (3,831 reviews)
  • Customer service: €55 / €89 / €115 / month
  • Sales: €19 / €55 / €115
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1 - What is Zendesk?

Zendesk is an all-in-one customer support tool enabling companies to manage support requests, internal projects and technical assistance from a centralized platform. It offers ticket, live chat, call and email management, as well as tools for collaboration and project management.

2. Why use Zendesk?

Centralized communications: Zendesk combines all communication channels (e-mail, telephone, chat, social networks) into a single platform, improving efficiency and visibility over customer interactions.

Technical support and knowledge management: Zendesk enables the creation and sharing of knowledge bases, help articles and FAQs, as well as the creation of customer support portals.

Analysis and reporting: Zendesk offers reporting and analysis features to monitor support team performance, including response times and resolution rates.

3. Benefits

  • Intuitive, customizable interface: French-language interface, easy to use for agents, with strong customization possibilities according to company processes.
  • Diverse integrations: Compatible with tools such as WhatsApp, Slack, and others, enabling efficient management of requests across different channels.
  • Comprehensive solution: Offers tools such as Zendesk Guide, Zendesk Explore, Zendesk Chat, and Zendesk Talk, for complete customer service management.


  • High cost for small businesses: Can be expensive for small teams or companies on a limited budget.
  • Complex configuration: Requires extensive training to use effectively, which can be a challenge for some users.
  • Limitations for advanced needs: May not meet needs for more advanced customer support or customized workflow processes.

4. Complementarity with Webflow

By integrating Zendesk with Webflow, users can improve their customer support management directly from their Webflow site. The centralization of support requests and the ability to manage various communication channels from a single platform facilitate better interaction with customers and faster response to their needs.

5. Conclusion

  • Ideal for SMEs and large enterprises: Zendesk is suitable for a diverse range of businesses, from SMEs to large enterprises, offering solutions tailored to their specific needs.
  • Improved customer service: Particularly useful for companies looking to improve their customer service and centralize support requests.
  • Adapting to changing business needs: Zendesk adapts to changing business needs, offering scalability and advanced features like FlowBuilder for optimized management of customer interactions.

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