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What's my DNS

What s My DNS is an online tool that lets you check the DNS propagation status of your domain across different DNS servers worldwide.

Application cases
  • Test A record
  • CNAME test
  • DNS test
  • Test the tool
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  • 4.7 / (3 reviews)
  • Free
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    1) What s My DNS?

    What s My DNS is an online tool that allows you to check your domain s DNS propagation across different DNS servers around the world. It is useful for diagnosing DNS-related problems.

    2) Why use What s My DNS?

    • Quick diagnosis: The tool lets you quickly identify and resolve DNS problems that could affect your site s accessibility.
    • Real-time updating: You can check in real time how DNS changes are propagated around the world.

    3) How What s My DNS and Webflow complement each other

    If you use Webflow to host your site, What s My DNS can help ensure that DNS changes propagate correctly, guaranteeing that visitors access the most up-to-date version of your site.

    4) Advantages and disadvantages of What s My DNS

    Advantages :

    • Ease of use: The tool is simple to use and requires no advanced technical skills.
    • Free: What s My DNS is generally free to use.


    • Specificity: The tool is specifically designed for DNS diagnostics and offers no functionality beyond that.

    5) Conclusion

    If you use Webflow to build websites, adding What s My DNS to your toolset can help you quickly diagnose and resolve DNS issues. This can be crucial to ensuring a smooth and reliable user experience.