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TinyPNG can be used to lighten WEBP, JPEG and PNG images. By discreetly reducing the number of colours in the image, the tool can compress it by up to 90%!

Application cases
  • Compress images
  • API connection
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  • 4,7 / 5 (39)
  • Free up to 5mo / $39 per year
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1) What is TinyPNG?

TinyPNG applies clever methods to lighten WEBP, JPEG and PNG images. By discreetly reducing the number of colors in an image, it enables it to be compressed, which means it will be (much) lighter. And what s more, you ll hardly notice the difference!

2) Why use TinyPNG?

Using TinyPNG can make all the difference to your Webflow site. It s a clever tool that reduces the size of your images without sacrificing their visual quality. By carefully choosing which colors to keep, TinyPNG reduces the weight of image files, resulting in faster page loading, lower bandwidth usage and, ultimately, a better user experience. This is particularly advantageous for image-rich sites, where every kilobyte saved contributes to smooth, fast navigation, essential for holding visitors attention and improving the site s search engine ranking.

3) TinyPNG and Webflow complement each other

TinyPNG and Webflow form a powerful duo for optimizing your website s performance.

TinyPNG ensures that integrated images are as light as possible. While Webflow optimizes the responsive rendering of these images.

By using TinyPNG upstream, you ll leverage the power of Webflow to build aesthetically pleasing sites while maintaining optimal performance, which is a definite advantage for SEO and user engagement.

4) Advantages and disadvantages of TinyPNG

Advantages :

  1. Size reduction: TinyPNG considerably reduces the size of image files, which can significantly reduce web page loading times.
  2. Ease of use: The interface is intuitive and requires no advanced technical skills.
  3. Quality preservation: Despite compression, it maintains high image quality, making quality loss often imperceptible to the naked eye.
  4. Compatibility: Supports popular image formats such as PNG and JPEG.
  5. SEO enhancement: Smaller images mean faster loading times, which is good for SEO.

Disadvantages :

  1. Possible loss with compression: Reducing file size comes at the expense of removing some image data, which can be a drawback if absolute image quality is required.
  2. File size limitation: The size of files you can download and compress for free is limited to 5MB. If you want to optimize heavier images, you ll need to upgrade to the $39/year pro plan.
  3. Internet connection required: Being an online service, an Internet connection is required to use it.
  4. No total control: It s not possible to fine-tune compression parameters to suit specific needs.

5) Conclusion

TinyPNG is an excellent choice for optimizing your images and thus improving the performance of your Webflow site without sacrificing image quality. However, for professional photographers or those requiring the highest image resolution for printing, lossy compression techniques may not be ideal.