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Tally is a simplified, free and code-free form creation tool, ideal for surveys, feedback and more.

Application cases
  • Customer Feedback
  • Event or Webinar registration
  • Contact forms
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Key figures
  • 4.5 / 5 (17 reviews)
  • Free / $29
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1. What is Tally?

‍Tallyis an online form creation platform that allows users to design interactive forms without the need to code. It offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and is designed to integrate easily with various platforms, including Webflow.

2. Why use Tally?

‍UsingTally offers a quick and efficient solution for those looking to add forms to their website without complications. Its ease of use and flexibility make it ideal for gathering information from visitors, conducting surveys, or even carrying out transactions.

3. Complementarity with Webflow

‍Tallyintegrates seamlessly with Webflow, enabling Webflow users to easily add interactive forms to their sites. This seamless integration eliminates the need for additional plugins or complex coding, making the form creation process as simple as a few clicks.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of Tally?


  • Intuitive user interface: Create forms quickly without technical skills.
  • Customizable: Adapt the look and feel of your forms to match your brand.
  • Multiple integrations: Connect to a variety of tools and platforms, including Webflow.
  • Free version: Access powerful features at no cost.


  • While Tally is suited to many needs, it may not offer some of the advanced features found in other, more specialized form creation tools.

5. Conclusion

‍Tallyis a powerful and easy-to-use online form creation tool, ideal for Webflow users looking to add forms to their site without hassle. Its simplicity, flexibility and complementarity with Webflow make it a wise choice for those looking to improve interaction with their visitors.