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StoreRocket is shop locator software for websites, offering easy installation, extensive customisation and powerful analysis.

Application cases
  • Boutique networks
  • Restaurants or franchises
  • Service providers
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Key figures
  • 5/5 (27 reviews)
  • Free / $25 / $39 / $69 / month
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1. What is StoreRocket?

StoreRocket is a software solution designed to help companies integrate a store locator into their website without the need for coding skills. It offers rapid installation and a wide range of customizations to suit the aesthetics and specific needs of each site. With StoreRocket, users can add, manage and display locations on their website intuitively and efficiently.

2. Why use StoreRocket?

There are several advantages to using StoreRocket. Firstly, it simplifies the process of adding a store locator to a website, saving time and resources. Secondly, its ability to customize allows companies to maintain brand consistency. Finally, StoreRocket s analytical features offer valuable insights into customer behavior, such as popular search areas and interaction with listed locations.

3. Complementarity with Webflow

StoreRocket integrates seamlessly with Webflow, enabling users of this web design platform to easily take advantage of its functionalities. This integration ensures an enhanced user experience and efficient location management directly from the Webflow interface. Users can benefit from a powerful, customizable store location solution without leaving their usual work environment.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of StoreRocket


  • Extensive customization: StoreRocket offers a wide range of customization options, including themes, colors, and the ability to add custom CSS.
  • Easy integration: With installation taking less than three minutes, StoreRocket is designed for rapid integration on any website platform.
  • Detailed analytics: Users can access analytical data to understand customer behavior, such as search areas and location interactions.


  • Limitation on number of locations: Pricing plans are based on the number of locations, which could limit businesses with a large number of stores.
  • Cost: Although StoreRocket offers good value for money, cost can be an obstacle for small businesses or startups.

5. Conclusion

StoreRocket stands out as an effective solution for adding a store locator to a website. Its strengths include ease of integration, extensive customization and analytical tools. However, it s important to consider the limitations associated with pricing plans and technical requirements. StoreRocket is particularly suited to :

  • Companies wishing to offer an enhanced user experience with a personalized store locator.
  • E-commerce sites looking to analyze customer behavior via location data.
  • Web developers looking for quick and easy integration with platforms such as Webflow.

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