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Slater transforms Webflow development with AI, making custom code accessible to everyone. Perfect for innovative projects.

Application cases
  • Integration of advanced e-commerce functionalities
  • Creation of interactive education websites
  • Development of online booking platforms
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  • Free / $10 / month
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1. What is Slater?

Slater is a development platform designed to enrich Webflow projects with customized code thanks to the integration of artificial intelligence. It enables users with little or no coding knowledge to easily generate the code they need for their Webflow projects. The tool aims to reduce development time and simplify the process of adding advanced functionality to Webflow sites, making web development more accessible and efficient.

2 Why use Slater?

Using Slater offers several significant advantages for Webflow developers and designers:

  • Easy to add custom code: With Slater, adding custom code to your Webflow projects becomes a simple and intuitive task, thanks to the user-friendly interface and AI support.
  • Optimized development time: Slater dramatically reduces the time needed to develop and test custom features, allowing teams to focus on creativity and innovation.
  • Accessibility for all skill levels: Whether you re a designer with basic JavaScript knowledge or an experienced developer, Slater offers the tools you need to transcend Webflow s native limitations with custom code.

3. Complementarity with Webflow

Slater and Webflow form a powerful duo for the creation of dynamic, interactive websites. By integrating Slater into the Webflow workflow, users can :

  • Push the limits of Webflow: Exploit the full potential of Webflow by adding custom features not available natively.
  • Work efficiently in a team: The real-time collaboration offered by Slater facilitates teamwork, enabling several people to code on the same project simultaneously.
  • Innovate without constraints: With the help of AI, experiment and implement innovative ideas without the usual technical constraints.

4 Advantages and disadvantages of Slater


  • Simplify coding: Intuitive user interface and AI assistance.
  • Time savings: faster development thanks to automation.
  • Improved collaboration: Work simultaneously on projects with your team.


  • Learning curve: Requires adaptation time for novices.
  • Technology dependency: Increased reliance on AI tools.
  • Customization limitations: Some advanced functionalities may be limited by AI capabilities.


  • For web agencies: Accelerate delivery of complex webflow projects.
  • For freelancers: Offer innovative web solutions with less technical effort.
  • For educators: Teach interactive web development with a hands-on approach.

Slater represents a major breakthrough for Webflow users, offering a powerful solution for integrating custom code into their projects in an efficient and innovative way.

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