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Sketch is an interface design platform focused on simplicity and efficiency, ideal for creating UI/UX mock-ups and prototypes.

Application cases
  • User Interface (UI) design
  • Rapid prototyping
  • Design collaboration and sharing
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Key figures
  • 4.5 / 5 (1,198 reviews)
  • $10 / $20 / $120
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1. What is Sketch?

Sketch is a graphic design application for macOS, specializing in the creation of user interfaces for websites and mobile applications. It offers vector drawing, prototyping and collaboration tools.

2. Why use Sketch?

Sketch is designed to meet the specific needs of interface and user experience designers. It offers features such as symbol libraries, shared styles and a rich ecosystem of plugins, making it a solid choice for design professionals.

3. Complementarity with Webflow

Sketch and Webflow form a powerful duo. Designs created in Sketch can be easily exported and integrated into Webflow, enabling a seamless transition from design to development. Some plugins can even automate this process, making the workflow even more efficient.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of Sketch


  • Intuitive interface
  • Rich ecosystem of plugins
  • Collaborative features via Sketch Cloud


  • Available only on macOS
  • Annual subscription fee
  • Fewer real-time collaboration features than some competitors

5. Conclusion

Sketch is a robust interface design tool that offers specific features to enhance your workflow. Its compatibility with Webflow makes it an excellent choice for designers and developers looking to optimize their website creation process.