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Secret offers discounts on software for startups and entrepreneurs, providing significant savings on key tools to help you grow your business.

Application cases
  • Startups in the launch phase
  • Freelancers
  • Small businesses
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Key figures
  • 4.3/5 (242 reviews)
  • Free
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1. What is Secret?

Secret is a platform that offers substantial discounts on a variety of essential software for startups, small businesses and freelancers. It aims to help entrepreneurs save money on the tools they need to grow their business.

2 Why use Secret?

Using Secret can significantly reduce operational expenses by providing access to exclusive software offers in areas such as marketing, development, project management and more. This enables companies to benefit from advanced technologies at a reduced cost.

3. Complementarity with Webflow

For Webflow users, Secret can offer savings on complementary tools, improving site functionality, digital marketing efficiency, and project management without adding to the budget.

4 Advantages and disadvantages of Secret


  • Access to exclusive discounts on a wide range of software.
  • Significant savings that can help reduce operational costs.
  • Diversity of offerings covering many aspects of business management.


  • Offers may vary, requiring regular checking for the best savings.
  • Some discounts apply only to new software users.

5 Conclusion

Secret is a valuable resource for startups and entrepreneurs looking to optimize their expenses while accessing the best tools available to support their growth.

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