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Mural is an online visual collaboration tool, ideal for brainstorming, project planning and analysis. It facilitates remote teamwork.

Application cases
  • Concept Brainstorming
  • Project planning
  • Training and Onboarding Workshops
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Key figures
  • 4.6 / 5 (1,353 reviews)
  • Free / $9 / $17.99
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1. What is Mural?

Mural is a visual collaboration platform that enables teams to work together in real time. It offers features such as brainstorming, wireframe creation and project planning.

2. Why use Mural?

Mural can speed up the design and development process by providing a space where ideas can be shared, discussed and refined before being implemented in Webflow.

3. Complementarity with Webflow

Mural and Webflow complement each other well. You can use Mural for the planning and design phase, then switch to Webflow for implementation. Wireframes or mock-ups created in Mural can be easily translated into functional designs in Webflow.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of Mural

  • Advantages: Ease of use, real-time collaboration, wide variety of models.
  • Disadvantages: Can be costly for small teams, requires a stable Internet connection.

5. Conclusion

If you re looking to improve collaboration within your team and make the design process more efficient, Mural is an excellent complement to Webflow.