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LinkedIn is a professional platform for developing networks and sharing corporate content.

Social media
Application cases
  • Job search and recruitment
  • Networking
  • Marketing

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  • 4.3 / 5 (1,818 reviews)
  • Free / €39.99 / €44.62 / €79.33
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What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is distinguished by its professional focus. It facilitates contact between professionals, enabling them to share experiences, find potential employers or partners, and make themselves known in the working world. It s a key tool for business marketing, thanks to its high traffic and professional focus.

Why use LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is essential for developing your professional network, sharing content about your company and finding a job. It offers a wide range of features to optimize your company s presence, develop your personal network, and increase your visibility in the professional world.

Complementarity with Webflow

SEO optimization and visibility: Webflow enables the creation of SEO-optimized sites, which can be linked to LinkedIn via profile badges, thus increasing professional visibility.‍

Content Marketing: the combination of Webflow for the creation of quality content and LinkedIn for its distribution effectively targets the professional audience.

Synergy between website and professional network: Webflow facilitates the creation of professional websites, whose links can be integrated into a LinkedIn profile for a coherent and complete online presence.


  • Extensive professional network: Access to a large network of professionals and companies.
  • Effective Marketing Tool: Ideal platform for B2B marketing and professional content sharing.
  • Career Opportunities: Makes it easy to find a job and connect with potential employers.


  • Paid features: Some advanced features are only available with a paid subscription.
  • Need for regular engagement: To maintain optimum visibility, regular interaction and updates are required.
  • High Competition: A large number of users can make it difficult to distinguish one s profile or company.


Career development: Ideal for professionals looking to expand their network and explore career opportunities.

Marketing strategy: Companies using LinkedIn to reinforce their brand and reach a targeted professional audience.

Synergy with web platforms: Joint use of LinkedIn and Webflow for a strong, consistent online presence.

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