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It s a no-code Flutter-based tool for rapidly developing web and mobile applications. It offers an intuitive interface and real-time previews.

Application cases
  • Rapid development of mobile applications
  • Prototyping and design for designers
  • Cross-platform development

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Key figures
  • 4.7 / 5 (15 reviews)
  • Free / $30 / $70 / month
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1. What is FlutterFlow?

FlutterFlow is a web and mobile application development tool that lets you create advanced applications without requiring advanced coding skills. It is based on Google s Flutter technology and enables the creation of cross-platform applications (iOS, Android, web) with an intuitive graphical interface and predefined widgets.

2. Why use FlutterFlow?

Rapid development: Create applications quickly with easy-to-use tools and an intuitive graphical interface.

Process simplification: Enables the creation of advanced applications without coding skills, thanks to a wide selection of predefined widgets.

High performance: Uses Flutter technology for fast, smooth performance, delivering an optimal user experience.


  • Intuitive tools: Ease of use with drag-and-drop tools and predefined widgets, speeding up the development process.
  • User-friendly graphical interface: Simplifies application design and creation, enabling you to work quickly and efficiently without hand-coding every element.
  • Real-time preview: Allows you to see changes made to the application in real time, facilitating quick and efficient adjustments.


  • Customization limitations: The visual editor may limit advanced customization options for experienced developers.
  • Complexity for advanced projects: Interaction and logic management may be less intuitive for more complex projects.
  • Platform dependency: Functionality and updates are dependent on FlutterFlow itself, which may limit certain evolutions.

3. Complementarity with Webflow

FlutterFlow, by automatically generating Flutter code for the applications created, can be integrated with Webflow for a complete development experience. This combination would make it possible to benefit from the advantages of FlutterFlow for mobile application development, while using Webflow for website creation and integration.

4 Conclusion

  • Ideal for rapid development of mobile and web applications: FlutterFlow is ideally suited to developers and no-coders looking to rapidly create cross-platform applications.
  • Ease of design for non-designers: Its intuitive interface and drag-and-drop tools make application creation accessible, even for those without design skills.
  • Adaptability to a variety of projects: Despite certain limitations, FlutterFlow offers a versatile solution for a variety of application projects, from basic design to more complex applications.

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