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FlowPlay is a Seattle-based social gaming start-up known for Vegas World and Casino World, recently acquired by Wind Creek Hospitality.

Application cases
  • Online training
  • Corporate video marketing
  • Entertainment platform
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Key figures
  • 4.5/5 (10 reviews)
  • Free / $15 / month
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1. What is FlowPlay?

FlowPlay is a Seattle-based game developer, publisher and operator. It is famous for its social games such as Vegas World and Casino World. Using a freemium business model, FlowPlay also has a white label activity. The company has over 75 million registered users.

2. Why use FlowPlay?

Attractive freemium model: FlowPlay s business model allows users to enjoy high-quality games at no upfront cost, with the option of purchasing upgrades and additional features.

Large user base: With over 75 million users, FlowPlay offers a rich and diverse gaming experience, encouraging social interaction between players.

Continuous innovation: FlowPlay has demonstrated its ability to adapt and grow, doubling its revenues over the past two years, a sign of a dynamic and evolving platform.

3. Complementarity with Webflow

FlowPlay, as a social gaming platform, can complement Webflow, a web design tool, in several ways:

Web marketing integration: FlowPlay games can be used as interactive marketing tools on websites designed with Webflow, increasing visitor engagement.

Enhanced User Experience: FlowPlay games can enrich the user experience on websites created via Webflow, providing entertainment and interaction.

Monetization potential: Integrating FlowPlay games into Webflow sites can offer new avenues of monetization, such as the sale of virtual products or in-game advertising.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of FlowPlay


  • Affordable freemium model
  • Broad user base for an enriched gaming experience
  • Continuous growth and innovation


  • Dependence on a business model based on in-app purchases
  • Constant Internet connection required
  • Risk of saturation of the social gaming market

5. Conclusion

Marketing tool: Use FlowPlay games to engage visitors on websites.

Monetization: Integrate games into Flow websites for new revenue opportunities.

Enhanced User Experience: Provide entertainment and interaction on websites via FlowPlay games.