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Flickr : Photo-sharing platform offering a space for amateur and professional photographers.

Application cases
  • Online portfolio for photographers
  • Inspiration for designers
  • Integration of photo galleries on websites
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  • 4.9 / 5 (109 reviews)
  • Free / €5.49 / year
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1. What is Flickr?

‍Flickris an online photo-sharing platform that allows users to upload, organize, share and discover photos and videos. It is used by both amateur and professional photographers to showcase their work, share images and interact with a global community.

2. Why use Flickr?

  • Quality Visual Resources: Flickr offers a vast collection of high-quality photos from photographers around the world.
  • Active Community: By joining Flickr, you gain access to a dynamic community of photographers and art enthusiasts, offering opportunities for collaboration and exchange.
  • Storage and Organization: The platform offers ample space to store your photos, organize them into albums and tag them.

3. Complementarity with Webflow

‍IntegratingFlickr with Webflow can visually enrich your site. You can easily integrate Flickr galleries into your Webflow pages, providing a seamless experience for your visitors. Plus, it avoids using Webflow s storage space for images.

4. The pros and cons of Flickr?


  • Large library of high-quality images.
  • Ability to interact with a large community of photographers.
  • Organizational and copyright management tools.


  • Free version has storage limitations.
  • Requires an Internet connection to access images.
  • Some content may be subject to copyright.

5. Conclusion

‍Ifyou re looking to enrich the visual content of your Webflow site, Flickr is a great option. Not only does it offer a vast collection of images, it also enables easy integration and interaction with a global community of photographers. However, it s essential to always check copyright before using an image.