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Discourse is an open source forum platform that makes it easy to create and manage online communities, offering structured, moderated discussions.

Application cases
  • Discussion forum
  • Community management
  • CMS integrations
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Key figures
  • 4 / 5 (63 reviews)
  • $25 / $100 / $300 / month
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1. What is Discourse?

Discourse is an open-source forum platform for creating and managing online communities. It offers structured discussions and moderation tools.

2. Why use Discourse?

  • Community engagement: Discourse can help you create a community around your brand or Webflow site, which can increase engagement and loyalty.
  • Customer support: A forum can serve as a support platform where users can help each other, reducing the burden on your customer service department.

3. How Discourse and Webflow complement each other

A Discourse forum can be integrated into your Webflow site, enabling a seamless transition between your site and your online community.

4. The advantages and disadvantages of Discourse

Advantages :

  • Open-Source: Being open-source, Discourse is highly customizable to meet your specific needs.
  • Efficient moderation: Integrated moderation tools make community management easy.

Disadvantages :

  • Learning curve: Although powerful, Discourse may take some time to master all its features.
  • Maintenance costs: Although the software is free, server and maintenance costs can add up.

5. Conclusion

If you use Webflow to create websites, adding Discourse can enrich your site by integrating an active community. This can increase user engagement and provide a platform for support and discussion.

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