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Detailed SEO Extension

It s a browser plugin that provides instant SEO analysis for web pages, helping to identify opportunities and problems for site optimisation.

Application cases
  • Title & Meta Description Analysis
  • Heading structure analysis
  • Link & Image Analysis
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1. What is Detailed SEO Extension?

Detailed SEO Extension is a browser plugin that offers real-time SEO analysis for web pages, helping you identify opportunities and problems for optimizing your site.

2. Why use Detailed SEO Extension?

  • Instant Analysis: Get real-time SEO insights as you work on your Webflow site, enabling rapid adjustments.
  • Problem Detection: The extension can identify problems such as missing tags, duplicate content issues, and more.

3. Complementarity between Detailed SEO Extension and Webflow

The extension gives you immediate information that can be applied directly in Webflow, allowing you to optimize your site as you build it.

4. The advantages and disadvantages of Detailed SEO Extension


  • Ease of use: The extension is easy to install and use, making it accessible even to SEO beginners.
  • Time-saving: Real-time analysis allows you to correct problems as they arise, rather than having to do a full audit later.

Disadvantages :

  • Functionality Limitations: While useful, the extension may not be as comprehensive as some dedicated SEO tools.
  • Browser dependency: Being a browser extension, its use is limited to compatible browsers.

5. Conclusion

If you use Webflow to create websites, adding Detailed SEO Extension to your toolbox can help you optimize your site in real time, allowing you to solve problems as they arise.