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When should I update my Webflow site?

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The Internet is a constantly changing world. So we have to adapt to it and observe how it evolves.

But how do we know when it s time to change?

Why change?

Even if you ve spent hours designing your site, you need to adapt to the Internet and its evolution. Without it, your company risks losing customers and preventing your brand from gaining recognition.

Trends in concepts and designs are constantly evolving, so it s important to keep up to date.

For example: in 2020, due to the health crisis, online sales rose sharply and sites had to adapt.

When can we expect an update?

What factors indicate that it s time to update my Webflow site?

Your site s creation date

Things evolve rapidly, so it s best to update your site as often as possible. But budgets don t always allow for this...

A site that was created a few years ago, and hasn t changed since, will require more updating, but also a bigger budget. So we advise you to keep your site up to date every year or so.

Major changes within your company

Your company or the sector in which you work is undergoing major changes. So you need to adapt to these external factors.

This doesn t necessarily mean starting from scratch, but simply adding pages or features that didn t exist before.

New changes

While there are external factors to adapt to, the company itself is also changing.

Objectives, brand image, services, etc. may change, so you need to adapt to them and bring your Webflow site into line with these new changes.

The results

You can see that the results you re getting are getting further and further away from what you wanted. It s time to update!

How can I optimize my site so that users find what they re looking for as quickly and easily as possible?


Take an interest in your competitors and where you stand in relation to them.

You need to make sure that customers choose you and not your competitors, and that means the aesthetics of your site and the features available.


After all that, your site is never really finished. You have to constantly study external factors, your company and your competitors, in order to match your customers expectations as closely as possible.