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Webflow + Shopify for a successful ecommerce site

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Would you like to set up an e-commerce store, but don t know which platform to choose?

There s no shortage of e-commerce CMS to choose from: Woocommerce, Magento, Prestashop, Shopify and Webflow e-commerce.

Discover why it can be worthwhile to combine the design power of Webflow with the technical capabilities of Shopify to create an online store that stands out from the crowd!

1) The benefits of Webflow

Webflow is a powerful CMS that enables you to create a :

  • 100% customized
  • light and fast
  • ultra-secure (and that s no mean feat)
  • well referenced (#SEO friendly)
  • in control, thanks to intuitive editing functions

It s also possible to set up an online store directly via Webflow s e-commerce section. Depending on your project needs, this could be a very good solution.

2) The advantages of Shopify

Shopify is a well-known e-commerce platform that enables users to create online stores.

Thanks to its versatility, functionality and reasonable pricing policy, the platform has established itself as the leader in the e-commerce sector. This enables users to make the most of the system s performance and versatility.

Benefits include

  • The ability to easily launchan online store
  • Security and reliability. Every online store handles sensitive and financial customer data, so security is a very important area. Shopify offers best-in-class security, ensuring that your customers data remains safe at all times.
  • A reasonable price
  • The presence of advanced digital marketing tools that enable businesses to sell their products more successfully.

3) So why use Webflow + Shopify?

Quite simply, because Webflow is good at design, but Shopify is far more powerful in the e-commerce back office.

By combining these two technologies, you can create hyper-customized e-commerce stores while gaining access to cutting-edge marketing tools that will set you apart from your competitors (who, what s more, are probably using the same tools as you).
Because yes, today, many e-commerce sites are built on basic templates that make every store look the same.

With the Webflow + Shopify solution, you can create a 100% customized online store without losing any of the power of a tool like Shopify.


Your choice of platform should always be based on the needs of your project.

Webflow e-commerce could be the right solution if :

  • you need to tell a story because your product isn t easy to sell
  • your product/service is rather unique or premium
  • you have a small number of physical products
  • you only sell digital products (such as ebooks or courses).

On the other hand, Shopify will be more interesting if :

  • you don t need a fully customized design
  • you want an online store that s up and running quickly
  • you want to focus immediately on your product and marketing
  • you want to sell hundreds of products or sell internationally

If you re experiencing any of the above bottlenecks, then Webflow + shopify may be the ideal solution for your business!