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The ultimate guide to optimising your SEO on Webflow

Illustration image 3D shapes


Reaching the top results of a search may seem complicated, given the fierce competition. But with the right tools, anything is possible!

In this guide, we reveal the essential tips for optimizing your natural searchengine optimization (SEO) on Webflow in 2024! Success is yours!

Basic optimization on Webflow

1. Title tags

Title tags are the code used to name a page on a site. They are crucial to your site s SEO success. To build them properly, follow these tips:

  • Descriptive and explicit
  • Enriched with relevant keywords
  • Between 50 and 60 characters (including spaces)

This is your first contact with the Google user. It s the first thing they see before clicking on the link. So it s crucial to the visibility and SEO of your Webflow site.

Title tags on the Google interface

2. The meta description

The meta description is the description found under the title tag. So it s also the information you see before clicking on a link. It must :

  • Effectively summarize the content of the page
  • Between 50 and 160 characters (including spaces)
  • Contain relevant keywords

It s what s going to make users want to choose your site over another, by giving them quick and precise information about what they re looking for.

Meta descriptions on the Google interface


TheURL is the address of your site on the Internet - in other words, where it s located. With Webflow, you have complete control over its customization. Opt for a short URL to make it easier for users to remember and read, and to improve your positioning in relation to the competition.

4. Page diversity

It s important to show Google that each page on your Webflow site is different. This will prove that you have a rich and varied content for each of your pages, and thus boost your SEO.

There are 3 options for this:

  • Option 1: add unique descriptions to each page category
  • Option 2: have all your content on a single page
  • Option 3: tell Google to classify certain categories

5. Heading

Rigorous page layout is also a factor in SEO. Here s what you can do to optimize your pages, especially headers:

  • Use a single H1 per page
  • Structure headings and subheadings logically
  • Don t skip header levels (from H1 to H3, for example).

These practices not only improve the user experience, but also help search engines rank your site higher in search results.

6. Keywords

Keywords are the terms used when a user performs a search. You need to choose the right keywords to maximize your chances of good SEO.

How do you choose the right keyword?

  • Analyze Google search results pages
  • Refer to automatic suggestions
  • Keyword research tools (such as SEMrush or Ubersuggest), which also provide details of the competition and data on search volume.
  • Optimize main pages by integrating keywords, without overusing them
Example of Google keywords and automatic suggestions

7. Blog posts

Blog posts are the articles you ll write, then post on your Webflow site. This allows users to obtain relevant information, enrich their knowledge (and your site) and drive traffic to your site with quality articles. These articles are useful because they can also potentially trigger a purchase on the part of the user.

Here s how to write good articles and, above all, get them read:

  • Analyze the content that generates the most traffic from your competitors
  • Write detailed, up-to-date articles on the same subjects
  • Integrate a main keyword and a few secondary keywords throughout the article
  • Optimize titles, meta descriptions, alt text, etc.
  • Structure your article correctly, using different levels of headings
  • Favor long, pertihnent articles

Accessibility of your Webflow site

The second part of the tips is based on the accessibility of your Webflow site. It needs to be accessible and usable at all times and by everyone, not forgetting people with disabilities, who make up a larger proportion of the population than you might think. These can be physical disabilities, permanent or otherwise, but also disabilities linked to the environment (a poor connection, for example).

In 2024, it s vital to make your website accessible and inclusive. And this will boost your SEO considerably.

1. Formats

How many times have you left a site because the writing was too small, the links too complicated to find, or because the layout wasn t adapted to your medium?

Users can visit your Webflow site from their phone, their computer, their tablet... a wide variety of formats are possible. To enhance their experience, it s important that your site is adapted to these different formats. Webflow takes this factor into account, which is why it automatically adapts the size and layout of your site s content.

The different formats on the Webflow interface

2. Typography

The legibility of your site is also an important step in the user experience. You can :

  • Use bulleted lists
  • Use left-hand alignment
  • Keep line lengths between 45 and 75 characters
  • Skip lines between paragraphs
  • Good contrast between background color and text color

All these points will make reading easier for the user, and help them spend more time on your Webflow site.

3. Site structure

Good SEO starts with a well-structured Webflow site. But what does good organization mean?

  • Pages accessible with a minimum of clicks
  • Internal links where possible(like this one, for example)
  • Important pages available from the home page
  • The sitemap accessible from the home page

4. Language

Language is the means of communicating via your site, and is therefore very important. Why is it so important? It helps to make yourself better understood, especially for people with disabilities or non-native speakers.

So it s best to :

  • Use simple language
  • Keep sentences short
  • Avoid technical jargon (or explain it)

5. Images

Once again, to enhance the user experience and promote readability on your Webflow site, integrating images is a good idea! Adding as many images as possible in relation to the page content will helpdraw the reader sattention to the different sections of your site.

Now, to rank well for SEO, it s best to :

  • Compress and optimize images before uploading them to Webflow. You can use tools such as TinyPNG or Optily to compress all the images on your Webflow site automatically!
  • Use Alt images tags

Alt image tags are used to help users understand images, when the image won t load, for example. Be descriptive and always add these tags, unless the image is merely decorative.


Now you know all our tips and tricks for climbing the search rankings.

A few clicks on Webflow, and you ll be the SEO pros! Now it s your turn!