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Unleash the full potential of your marketing team with Webflow

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A company is very often divided into departments grouping together specific expertise. Accounting, purchasing, IT/development, marketing...

In many cases, several departments are obliged to work together but don t have the same end goal. And this is exactly the case when managing a website: the marketing team needs to modify the website, the landing pages, the SEO-optimized content... But to do this, they need the development team.
The development team, on the other hand, needs to focus on the product or service and doesn t see the importance of changing a few words in an H1 title in order to position itself on a strategic keyword.

This is where Webflow comes in.

It s possible to give each department control over its own processes and task lists. The marketing team can take back control of the website without compromising security or having to write a single line of code. For their part, the development team can concentrate on what they do best, and above all what they re paid a lot of money to do.

So unleash the power of your marketing team with Webflow to make a bigger impact within your business!

Finding the balance between marketing and development

Many updates thought up by marketing teams that need to be done by developers can require a lot of resources and time.

The marketing team should not have to wait several days or weeks for simple adjustments and modifications. What s more, they aren t trained to update the code and don t often have access to the site s back office.
This situation slows down the work and efficiency of your marketing team, while creating a relationship of dependency with the developers.

Developers, for their part, should not have to interrupt their workflow to make these changes. It s essential that they devote their limited and expensive time to important product updates that lead to real improvement for the customer and the company as a whole.

Today, there are many solutions to avoid creating this kind of dependency, and unleash the full potential of your marketing team.

By connecting Webflow to No-Code tools via task automation processes, it is now possible for the marketing team to put in place a powerful strategy and to be able to make changes or carry out tests without having to wait for feedback from the development team.

The aim is to dissociate marketing and developers, giving both departments more time to work on essential projects.

Gaining independence from each other speeds up the whole process. When marketing can make the necessary changes, and developers can concentrate on the most pressing problems, efficiency is greatly increased.

To achieve this efficiency, partner with a Webflow expert

Webflow gives power to non-technical people who don t necessarily know how to code, but who have ideas and want to test things out.
These people can modify and evolve the content and the website in line with their own marketing objectives. Without having to ask the developers every step of the way.

Beyond this liberation of marketing teams, Webflow is above all a very powerful tool for :

  • a 100% personalized website
  • maintain control over your website
  • a light, fast website
  • create an ultra-secure website
  • have a well-referenced website in terms of SEO

By working with a Webflow Expert, you can easily separate marketing from development.
Webflow experts will help you design and develop a website that meets your objectives. Then they ll train your marketing teams to make them autonomous in managing and developing it.

Find out now how can help you build your website and empower your marketing department to create a website that rocks!