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Questions to ask yourself before creating your website

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These days, it s rare to ask people around us for help with one of our questions. Instead, we go straight to the Internet. As a company, you need to create a good website that will perform well and generate business, and to do this, you need to ask yourself the right questions.

Would having a website attract more people to my business?

Logically, the answer has to be yes. In fact, building a website is not the only way to win new customers. It also allows them to find you, learn more about you and your brand, or contact you.

And what do the numbers say?

  • 70-80% of people look for information about a company before working with it.
  • A company without a website loses 37% of its sales
  • 68% of people who visit a company s website visit one of its stores within 24 hours, and almost half make a sale.

So a website will make your company more accessible and attractive to your customers.

What does my brand look like?

Before creating a website, it s important to know what your brand looks like, and especially the values you re trying to convey. For this, you can use our article "Creating a visual brand identity". (link to article)

This questioning will make it easier to design the site, and the way you want it to be perceived by the public. It should also facilitate the design the site will take.

What information should be removed from my website?

Now that we ve defined the look and feel of the site, let s focus on theobjective and the things we want to convey.

Are we going to sell products? Offer services? Provide information?

To answer these questions, take a look at the competition. Observe what others are doing, how they operate and what works best for their business. Get inspired, adapt and, above all, do better!

How do I manage my website?

Once you ve created your site, you ll need tomaintain and update it to make sure it s running smoothly.

Make sure theURL is easy to remember and identify, so that people will remember it and come back to your site. You need to provide answers to your customers questions via your site.

Site management can be tedious, and even more so if you don t use the right tools! That s why we recommend Webflow. Discover all the advantages of Webflow for creating your website. Of course, it s preferable to have someone else who knows the web to manage the company s website. But if that s not the case, don t worry, you can still find plenty of advice, and above all, Webflow is designed to provide you with an easy-to-use solution, so you can concentrate on what s most important: your business! At Ouiflow, we train all our customers in the use of Webflow, so that they can get the most out of their newly created Webflow site.

Can I create my own website?

Yes, with patience and creativity, you can build your own site. But it s not just the look and feel of the site that you need to think about. You also need to think about HTML, graphic design, SEO... and many other factors.

To help you, there are specialized web design agencies such as Ouiflow!