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Localization Webflow: Complete guide

3D visual illustration


These days, a company s ability to address a global audience is more than just a convenience - it s a necessity. As markets become increasingly interconnected, localization- which goes far beyond simple translation - has become an essential strategy for reaching and engaging diverse audiences. Webflow Localization is a major innovation in this field, offering companies a robust platform for adapting their website to different cultures and languages. If you re a Webflow user or are considering using it for your website, understanding and implementing this functionality can be a real asset in maximizing your reach and engagement.

What is Webflow localization?

Localization is the art of adapting a product or content to a specific culture or language. This means not only translating text, but also adjusting visual elements, tone, currency, dates and even site structure to reflect the cultural nuances of each region. With Webflow Localization, you can do just that. Unlike multilingualism, which focuses solely on translation, localization takes into account all aspects of the website so that it s fully adapted to the target market. It s an approach that ensures every aspect of your site is tailored to your target audience.

Visuel de localization webflow
Localization Webflow

The benefits of localization

Reach a global audience

By adapting your site to different languages and cultures, you open the door to an international audience. This means you can reach potential customers in regions you d never imagined, increasing your growth and revenue potential.

Enhance user experience

Culturally adapted content resonates better with audiences. This means fewer abandonments, more engagement and, ultimately, more conversions. Users are more likely to engage with a site that speaks to them in their own language and reflects their culture.

SEO optimization

A localized site improves your visibility on local search engines. That means more traffic, and if you do it right, more conversions. Search engines favor content that is relevant to users, and localized content is often considered more relevant to local searches.

How does Webflow stand out in localization?

Native localization vs. third-party solutions

Many platforms rely on plugins or third-party tools for localization. However, these solutions can often be cumbersome and complicated. Webflow, on the other hand, offers a native localization solution. This guarantees better integration, optimal performance and a smoother user experience.

Benefits of native localization

With faster implementation, greater compatibility and an enhanced user experience, Webflow s native localization is clearly superior to third-party solutions. What s more, since everything is integrated, the chances of errors or compatibility problems are considerably reduced.

How does Webflow localization work?

Webflow has designed an intuitive interface that simplifies the localization process. Instead of juggling multiple plugins or tools, everything you need is integrated into the platform.

Using the localization interface

Webflow offers an intuitive interface that makes it easy to manage the different language versions of your site. This interface is designed to be used even by those without in-depth technical knowledge.

Content translation

Whether it s static or CMS content, Webflow makes translation easy. You can translate manually or connect to third-party translation tools to automate the process. This flexibility ensures that you can choose the method that best suits your needs.

Language-dependent design customization

Adapt visual elements, such as images or colors, to suit each culture. For example, an image that works well for a French audience might not have the same impact for a Japanese one. This is where localization comes in, allowing you to adjust each element so that it resonates with your target audience.

Managing element visibility by language

Some content may not be relevant to all languages. With Webflow, you can control the visibility of these elements for each language version. This ensures that your site remains relevant and engaging for every segment of your audience.

5-step guide to setting up Localization on Webflow

We ve put together a short guide to show you how to easily set up localization on Webflow, using advanced features for accurate, culturally-appropriate translation. Follow these instructions to extend your global reach and optimize your site for a multilingual audience.

Step 1: Access Localization settings

  1. Log in to your Webflow dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Settings and select the Localization option.
  3. This section lets you manage your site s language settings.
Interface Webflow pour les paramètres de Localization
Webflow interface for Localization settings

Step 2: Add a new Language

  1. Click on Add New Locale to add a new language to your site.
  2. The cost is $9 per month per language, a competitive rate that makes localization affordable compared to other translation solutions.
  3. Add the language of your choice and activate the Enable Publishing to the Subdirectory option to enable publication in a language-specific subdirectory.
  4. Save your changes to retain the new language configuration.
Choix et ajout d une nouvelle langue
Choosing and adding a new language

Step 3: Automatically translate your page

  1. In the top left-hand corner of the Webflow Designer, you ll now see an option to change language. Select the language you ve just added, for example, French.
  2. Use the shortcut Cmd + K (or Ctrl + K on Windows) to open the search bar.
  3. Type Translate Page to French (or the language of your choice) to launch the automatic translation of your page by the AI.
  4. This feature instantly translates your page content, saving you precious time.
Changer de langue sous Webflow

Step 4: Review and customize

  1. It s crucial to review your site after machine translation. Although AI is a powerful tool, it s not infallible. Make sure the translation is correct and natural for native speakers.
  2. Take advantage of this step to customize images and other multimedia elements so that they are relevant to each language. This enhances engagement and user experience for your target audience.

Step 5: Publication

  1. Once you re happy with the translation and customization, all you have to do is publish your Webflow site.

And that s it! Setting up localization on Webflow is a simple yet powerful process for extending your global reach. By following this guide, you can easily adapt your site to different cultures and languages, improving the user experience and your international SEO. Remember, careful review and configuration is the key to ensuring that your translated content resonates well with your target audience.


Webflow Localization is more than just a feature. It s a revolution in the way Webflow sites can engage a global audience. By understanding and properly implementing this feature, companies can not only extend their reach, but also establish a deeper connection with their audience, regardless of language or culture. At Ouiflow, we re already using Webflow s localization tool. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, localization will become even more essential. With Webflow at the forefront of this revolution, companies are well placed to take advantage of this growing trend.