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Integrate Hubspot with Webflow in 3 easy steps

3D shape visual for hubspot

Discover today how to easily integrate a HubSpot form into your Webflow site using Webflow Apps. This innovative approach greatly simplifies the process, making integration accessible even to novices.

Turn your Webflow site into a powerful marketing tool with HubSpot!

The benefits of integrating HubSpot into Webflow

Integrating HubSpot with Webflow brings significant benefits, such as optimized management of contact forms, harmonious design between your marketing tools and your site, and fluid, rapid integration. It s the ideal combination to boost your digital marketing strategy.

Make sure you have an active account with HubSpot and Webflow and are logged in. Also prepare your form in HubSpot before you start integrating on Webflow.

A step-by-step guide to integrating HubSpot with Webflow

1. Installing the HubSpot application on Webflow

Start by installing the HubSpot application on Webflow. This quick and easy first step lays the foundations for your integration. Then connect to HubSpot via the application.

Barre de recherche dans Webflow
Search for Hubspot in Webflow applications
Bouton d installation Hubspot
Install Hubspot

2. Activate HubSpot in Webflow Designer

Once the application is connected, open Webflow Designer and activate the HubSpot application. Go to the Apps icon in the left side panel to launch the application.

Click on "Launch" to access HubSpot s various functions. Choose the option to integrate a HubSpot form into your Webflow page.

Panneau du choix d intégration
Choose your integration option

Select the form of your choice for easy integration.

Panneau de validation de l intégration
Validate option

3. Customizing your HubSpot form

After integrating the form on your Webflow site, exploit Webflow s CSS options for full customization. This ensures perfect visual integration with your site s design.

Le formulaire est intégré
Integrated form
Panneau de personnalisation du formulaire
Form customization

What are the highlights of Hubspot s integration with Webflow?

  1. Efficient lead and contact management: Webflow and HubSpot integration simplifies lead management by enabling direct synchronization of Webflow form information with HubSpot CRM.
  2. Increased visibility: This integration enables tracking and analysis of website, social network and e-mail campaign data, increasing the visibility and effectiveness of marketing efforts.
  3. Integration via Zapier: Zapier offers automation options between Webflow and HubSpot, making it easy to create customized workflows and connect with other applications.
  4. Cost savings: Integrating these two platforms can reduce the need for several separate tools, saving time and money.
  5. Advanced tracking and analysis: HubSpot s tracking code integrated into Webflow enables detailed tracking of visitor activity, essential for analyzing and optimizing marketing performance.

At a glance

The integration of HubSpot into Webflow via Webflow Apps unveils a world of new possibilities for marketers and web designers.

Follow this practical guide to fully exploit the potential of these two powerful platforms, enhancing your marketing strategy and the user experience on your site. Get started and explore the immense potential of this dynamic integration!