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The importance of user interface design

Illustration image 3D shapes


On a website, good design is important, but the main objective is to provide a good user experience. Choices must be both strategic and aesthetic.

What are UX and UI?

Before we begin, it s important to define a few terms: UX and UI.

  • UX stands for "user experience". This refers to the way in which the user interacts with your site, as well as how he or she feels when using it.
  • UI stands for "userinterface". This includes all visual elements, such as colors, typography and images.

These two factors must be taken into account to create a project that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to interact with. This will leave a strong impression on users, and encourage them to return to your site.

An efficient interface

1. Clarity

Clarity refers to all the interactive elements that need to be recognized. You need to be able to recognize the different buttons, menus, links, etc., and make them stand out.

For example, the menu is generally placed at the top to make it easier for the user to read. Users already have their own habits on the net, so be careful not to "lose" them by creating something too different that they won t understand! It s important to keep in mind the site s objective. If your site s vocation is conversion, it s very important to think carefully about the user s path, to make navigation easier.

2. Consistency

All the elements of your project must have the same appearance, be repeated and have the same functionality. You also need to use the same colors, typography and positioning.

This will create coherence and a professional feel to the site, so that users can trust it, feel at ease and take action.

3. Control

Interfaces must remain intuitive and simple to use. No tutorial or training should be required to use an application or website.

The aim is to give users control over their actions. To achieve this, you can, for example

  • Design recognizable interactive elements
  • Write personalized error messages
  • Give comments when an action has been performed on the project
  • Design a simple navigation bar

4. Comfort

Comfort is linked to clarity and coherence, as it corresponds to the user s experience when they arrive on your site or application.

To achieve this, use simple language, be inclusive when writing, and make sure your project adapts to different formats.

5. Ease of use

The aim of design is to convey a message quickly, efficiently and aesthetically.

The interface must be simple to use, enabling the user to find the information he or she is looking for in the shortest possible time. This means using clear navigation and a good structure with a logical hierarchy.

6. Accessibility

Accessibility is essential if users are to feel at ease. Your project needs to be accessible to all users, such as people with motor, cognitive or visual impairments.

Here are a few tips to help you design a project that is accessible to all:

  • Good color contrast
  • Add descriptive text for each image
  • Insert visual cues for interactive elements


In this article, we ve looked at 6 points that will help you understand the importance of user interface design. Put all these tips together, and you ll know how to create a good user experience!