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Illustrations in the digital field

Illustration image 3D shapes


In today s digital world, you need illustrations to catch the reader s eye, but also to keep them interested for as long as possible. You need to stand out from the crowd.

‍Hereare a few tips:


What better way to develop and share ideas and points of view than teamwork? It s always interesting to learn about your colleagues methods, to get new ideas together, but also to get an objective outside view. This can only help you progress.


Of course, practicing is the best way to learn, but it s not the only way. You can read up on the subject, attend conferences, talk to others...

All this will help youimprove your technique, but also develop your creativity. As you go along, you ll try things out and eventually find your own style, the one that makes your work recognizable.

The tools

Whatever tool you use, you need to feel comfortable with it and your creations will succeed!

However, if it s going to be professional, it s best to use tools adapted to the company (usually the Adobe suite).

It all adds up

Everything you learn is going to come in handy when you re creating a project. You have to take into account all the knowledge you have and adapt to it.

Think colors, hierarchy, typography, ...

Infinite possibilities

Everyone will interpret the same subject in different ways.

It s important to understand that there are an infinite number of possibilities in design, and that you should dare to try new things. Your final design will be unique.


Find inspiration around you and try new things. The hardest part is getting started!