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Why use the WebP format on my Webflow site

3D shape showing why to use the WebP format on my Webflow site


Images generally make up about 50% of the weight of a web page, and this percentage can be much higher for professionals in photography, graphics, and other image-related professions. Given the importance that Google places on page loading speed for SEO, it is essential for any webmaster to optimize the images on their site.

A few years ago, Google engineers introduced an innovative new image format: WebP. This compression format makes it possible to create images of comparable quality to that of JPGs, while being on average 34% lighter. Google really did well with this innovation.

In this article, we will explore what the WebP format is and how to use it on your Webflow site to significantly reduce the weight of your images.

Let's see:

  1. What is the WebP format.
  2. Why use the WebP format.
  3. Browser compatibility with the WebP format
  4. Why is the WebP format rarely used.
  5. What are the disadvantages and advantages of the WebP format.
  6. Import a WebP image to Webflow.

What is the WebP format

WebP is an image file format developed by Google in 2010. Its aim is to replace traditional formats like JPEG, PNG, and GIF. WebP takes care of compression while maintaining transparency and animations.

Based on the vp8 code, the WebP format has been continuously improved to ensure optimal image quality. In 2012, Google introduced lossless and transparent image support, positioning WebP as a viable alternative to PNG.

Why use the WebP format on your Webflow site

The image presented in WebP format is 75% lighter than its PNG version. Imagine the impact on the home page of a photographer's site or an artist's portfolio containing numerous images. Charging time would be significantly reduced.

By adopting the WebP format, you reduce the size of your image files, which speeds up the loading of your pages. This improves the user experience, decreases the bounce rate and optimizes your SEO by appealing to Google's crawlers.

Web browser compatibility with the WebP format

Initially, the support of the WebP format by web browsers was a major obstacle to its adoption. For example, Safari, Apple's browser, only started to recognize the format created by Google recently, preferring the HEIF format, derived from a video format, until then. Today, the WebP format is supported by all major browsers, ensuring broad compatibility and facilitating its use on the web.

Why is it seldom used?

As mentioned earlier, the late recognition of the WebP format has hampered its adoption. In addition, our habits play an important role. Software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or Figma, is often set up by default to save as.PNG or.JPEG, and users are generally reluctant to change. These factors combined have contributed to the slow adoption of the WebP format, despite its numerous advantages.

The disadvantages and advantages of the WebP format

The benefits of WebP files

  • Accelerating the loading of web pages: This format improves the user experience and promotes a better ranking of your site in Google search results.
  • Browser compatibility: WebP is now supported by all major browsers, including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari, covering approximately 64% of web traffic.
  • Storage savings: By compressing your images with WebP, you free up space in your databases, thus reducing storage costs for businesses.

The disadvantages of WebP files

  • Low notoriety: This format is still little known, even among photographers. Those who are not interested in SEO are often unaware of its existence.
  • Limited offline use: The WebP extension is primarily designed for use on the Internet, making it complex to use outside the web.
  • Old browser compatibility: Older browsers, like Internet Explorer, don't support WebP images well. However, the use of these browsers has become marginal.
  • Image quality: Like JPEG, WebP is a compression format, which leads to a reduction in image quality.

Importing a WebP image to Webflow

For optimal compression of your images before importing them to Webflow, we recommend that you use TinyPNG. This service is free and very efficient.

Once your image is compressed by TinyPNG, follow the steps below to import it to Webflow.

Convert Webflow assets to.webp

  1. Open the assets tab by pressing the J key.
  2. Type “png” in the search bar.
  3. Click on “Select all” and then on “Compress”.

Convert Webflow CMS assets to.webp

  1. Go to the Webflow CMS tab.
  2. Click on the three small dots at the top of the tab.
  3. Select “Compress assets.”


Adopting the WebP format on your Webflow site is a winning strategy. By reducing image size without sacrificing quality, you optimize page load time, improving the user experience and Google rankings.

Even though WebP recognition has been slow, it is now compatible with all major browsers. Using this format on Webflow is simple and effective, thanks to the compression and conversion tools available.

In short, the WebP format allows you to keep a fast, competitive and well-referenced site, while offering an optimal user experience.