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9 Webflow tips: Overcome challenges with ease!

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Webflow: Overcome challenges with ease!

Welcome to the fascinating world of Webflow! Thanks to its innovative approach, Webflow has established itself as one of the leading references in website creation. Its promise? To offer design freedom without the need for coding. However, like any platform, it has its subtleties. Discover with us the common challenges and their solutions to master Webflow like a pro.

1. Technical hassles

As you dive into Webflow Designer, you may encounter a few slowdowns. But don t panic! Here are a few tips:

  • First, check your Internet connection.
  • Make sure you re-using a recent version of browsers like Google Chrome or Safari.
  • Lighten your browser by deactivating unnecessary extensions.
  • Clean up by deleting unused styles.
  • And don't forget to optimize your images for smooth browsing.

2. Media compression: a must

Even if Webflow adjusts your images, always remember to compress your images and videos before embedding them. Tools such as iLoveIMG or TinyPNG for your images and Compress Video for your videos are your best allies. Also remember to name them correctly and add relevant alternative text.

3. The secret of well-named classes

Naming your classes clearly is crucial for easy management of your Webflow project. The Client-first method elevates this practice by standardizing class names for greater consistency and reusability. For example, use button-primary for a main button, making the design intuitive and easy to modify.

4. Use the right display with a Div Block rather than Columns

Opt for a Div Block that you can set as you wish, rather than a "columns" element. What's in it for you? For its incomparable flexibility in designing your site.

5. Anchor links: a matter of precision

Adding anchor links in Webflow deserves your attention. Avoid hasty copy/paste and don't hesitate to consult experts for impeccable code. Always test your links on different media for optimum user experience.

6. Adaptability to all screens

Make sure your site adapts harmoniously to all devices, especially for large menus. Prioritize simplicity and efficiency for smooth navigation.

7. Subtle margins and padding

For a harmonious layout, add margins or padding to the parent element rather than to the child elements. Adopt the Client-first method for a clear layout: apply margins and padding to the parent element. This simplifies adjustments and maintains a clear structure. For example, use padding-block for vertical spacing within a block, facilitating design consistency and maintenance.

8. Keep an eye on modifications

Since Webflow Conf 2023, Webflow collaboration has evolved. However, keep an eye on changes to ensure your project remains consistent.

9. Modification history: your safety net.

If an error occurs, Webflow offers a modification history. However, to be on the safe side, always remember to make regular manual backups.


Webflow is a powerful tool that, when properly mastered, can transform your online presence. At Ouiflow, we're here to accompany you on this exciting adventure.