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Webflow redesign:

Wimmoz x Ouiflow

Find out how Wimmoz, a Ouiflow test project to create an innovative property platform, was transformed thanks to Webflow integration.

Image of Wimmoz

The company

The project


designed pages


SEO optimized

Réalisé en

3 days

The project consisted in highlighting the possibility of creating an advanced filtering tool with Webflow.
The challenges were to

  • create a complex filter system
  • make maximum use of dynamic collections to facilitate Webflow site management

The stages of the project

Logo Figma en noir et blanc


Logo de Figma

UI Design

Logo Webflow

Dev. Webflow


The benefits for the customer

This concept project highlights 4 points:

  • the ease with which new elements (in this case, properties) can be added directly to the Webflow CMS
  • the autonomy gained by real estate agents, who can enter their property into the dynamic collection in just a few minutes
  • the ability for users to filter their searches
  • the creation of a modern, uncluttered design, featuring photos of properties to create a real sales tool.

This site is particularly well-suited to real estate agencies who want to create a powerful website while retaining control over content, which they can edit in just a few clicks.

View of the Webflow site created during this project.


Mobile view of the Webflow site created during this project.
Full screen view of the Webflow site created during this project.
Full screen view of the Webflow site created during this project.

"With Webflow, Wimmoz has become more than a real estate platform: it s a powerful tool that simplifies property search and management for everyone."