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Webflow redesign:

Seyna x Ouiflow

Find out how Seyna transformed its digital presence with a Webflow redesign, improving user experience and SEO to support its growth in the insurance sector

Seyna s website staged on a computer and a smartphone.

The company

Seyna is a revolutionary company in the insurance sector, offering advanced technological solutions for brokers. Its platform enables efficient management and optimization of insurance products, supporting innovation and growth in the industry.

The project


designed pages


SEO optimized


Dynamic collections 🤯

The project with Seyna was ambitious, aiming to transform their digital presence via a redesign on Webflow.

The challenges were to

  • create a new mega navigation menuand iconography
  • improve user experience and reduce site loading time
  • set up landing pages dedicated to acquisition
  • implement all the technical basics of natural referencing using our SEO‍ expertise
  • add animations to energize the entire website
  • implement the "Client First" system

The stages of the project

Logo Figma en noir et blanc


Logo de Figma

UI Design

Logo Webflow

Dev. Webflow

14 days

Project planning

  • Needs analysis : Our aim is to understand the needs and objectives of the project to ensure that the website will meet their expectations.
  • Figma mock-up review: We review the Figma mock-up to understand the structure, design, animations and functionality required.

Webflow development

  • Site structure: We set up the basic structure of the site (Header, Footer, Pages, etc.) in Webflow.
  • Design integration: We integrate the design elements down to the pixel.
  • Functionality development: We add interactions, animations and functionalities such as forms, galleries, etc.
  • Mobile optimization: We ensure that the site is responsive and optimized for mobile devices.
  • Technical SEO: We set up meta tags, titles, descriptions, canonical URLs, etc., for SEO purposes.

Test and go live

  • Functional testing: We check that all functionalities work as expected.
  • Compatibility testing: We make sure the site works on different browsers and devices.
  • SEO audit: We use dedicated tools to audit the site.‍
  • Customer review: We present the site to the customer for approval.‍
  • Final modifications: We set up a tool to facilitate customer feedback and make final modifications based on customer feedback.‍
  • Deployment: We put the site online using Webflow hosting.

The benefits for the customer

By creating step-by-step landing pages on Webflow, we were able to help the Seyna teams create a better acquisition tunnel.

Search engine optimization (SEO ) now enables them to rank higher in search results to gain greater visibility.

The mega menu improves site usability, leading to higher conversion rates and lower bounce rates.

View of the Webflow site created during this project.


Mobile view of the Webflow site created during this project.
Full screen view of the Webflow site created during this project.
Full screen view of the Webflow site created during this project.

"With Webflow, Seyna has become more than a suite of SaaS solutions: it s a platform that allows brokers to focus on what really matters-their customers."