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Webflow redesign:

Kate x Ouiflow

Find out how Kate, the French manufacturer of electric micro-cars, has been transformed thanks to Webflow integration and an innovative simulator.

Kate" website presented on computer and smartphone.

The company

Kate is a new French manufacturer of electric "micro-cars", founded by Thibaud Elzière (Efounders) after the takeover of Nosmoke, another manufacturer launched in 2012 and busy transforming small off-roaders into electric cars.

The project


designed pages


SEO optimized

2 mois

completion time

The project involved thecomplete creation of a website on Webflow.
The challenges were to

  • create a simulator enabling live car configuration and retrieval of customer information for recontact purposes
  • make Kate s teams autonomous in managing their new Webflow site
  • make full use of Webflow s dynamic collections functionality
  • integrate a multilingual module with Weglot
  • work on natural referencing by adding our technical SEO expertise

The stages of the project

Logo Figma en noir et blanc


2 days
Logo de Figma

UI Design

12 days
Logo Webflow

Dev. Webflow

9 days

The benefits for the customer

Kate s teams can now easily add new content to their Webflow site without having to go through their team of developers. Total autonomy, allowing marketing teams to take back control of the website!
The customized configurator also enables them to develop their acquisition tunnel.

View of the Webflow site created during this project.


Mobile view of the Webflow site created during this project.
Full screen view of the Webflow site created during this project.
Full screen view of the Webflow site created during this project.

"By fusing creativity and technology, the Kate project under Webflow is not just a website, but an innovation engine that electrifies the relationship between the brand and its customers."