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Webflow redesign:

Ignition Program x Ouiflow

Find out how Ignition Program, a sustainability management training organisation, was transformed thanks to a Webflow redesign and SEO expertise.

Ignition Program website presented on computer and smartphone.

The company

Ignition Program is a sustainable human performance agency.
They offer 3 areas of support:

  • recruiting talent with customized support
  • accompanying these talents in their search for their next startup job
  • training managers in best practices for sustainable growth

The project


designed pages


SEO optimized

3 mois

completion time

The project involved a complete redesign of the website on Webflow.
The challenges were to

  • create a new web identity in line with the established graphic charter
  • migrate all elements and dynamic collections, with real expertise in the use of the Webflow CMS
  • carry out 301 redirections to maintain the natural referencing work that had already been done
  • make the Ignition Program teams autonomous in managing their new Webflow site
  • rework the natural referencing by adding our technical SEO expertise

The stages of the project

Logo Figma en noir et blanc


4 days
Logo de Figma

UI Design

16 days
Logo Webflow

Dev. Webflow

14 days

UI/UX Research and Workshop

  • Persona identification: We define personas to understand the needs and behaviors of target users.
  • UI/UX workshop: We organize a workshop with stakeholders to discuss objectives, functionalities and user flows.
  • Competitive analysis: We study competing websites to identify best practices and opportunities.

Tree structure and Wireframing

  • Tree design: We create a site tree to define the structure and organization of information.
  • Wireframing: We create basic wireframes for each page, based on the tree structure.

Design and Webdesign guidelines on Figma

  • Moodboard: We create a moodboard to define the mood and visual style of the site.
  • Color palette and typography: We choose a color palette and typography that match the brand s identity.
  • Mock-up design: We use Figma to create high-fidelity mock-ups based on wireframes and design guidelines.
  • Customer validation: We present the mock-ups to the customer for validation and adjustments.

Webflow development

  • Site structure: We establish the basic structure of the site in Webflow.
  • Design integration: We integrate design elements down to the pixel.
  • Functionality development: We add interactions, animations and more.
  • Mobile optimization: We ensure that the site is responsive.
  • Technical SEO: We implement elements for SEO.

Testing and Go-Live

  • Functional and compatibility testing: We check that everything works as expected on different browsers and devices.
  • Audit: We carry out a detailed audit of the site.
  • Customer review: We set up a tool to collect customer feedback easily.
  • Final modifications: We make the final changes.
  • Deployment: We put the site online.

Maintenance phase

  • Monitoring and analysis: We use analysis tools to track site performance.
  • Support and updates: We provide regular updates based on customer needs and site performance.

The benefits for the customer

Ignition Program teams can now easily add new content to their Webflow site , thanks to the many dynamic collections that have been created and worked on to make their use as fluid as possible. Total autonomy, allowing marketing teams to take back control of the website!

The numerous resources added to the CMS also enable them to work on lead acquisition

View of the Webflow site created during this project.


Mobile view of the Webflow site created during this project.
Full screen view of the Webflow site created during this project.
Full screen view of the Webflow site created during this project.

"With Webflow, Ignition Program has become more than a recruitment agency: it s a human and sustainable platform that puts talent at the heart of its mission."