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Webflow redesign:

Cocoon Immo x Ouiflow

Find out how CocoonImmo has transformed its website to better support estate agents, with a Webflow overhaul and a new graphic identity.

Cocoon Immo website presented on a computer and a smartphone.

The company

Cocoon-Immo specializes in digital communication for real estate, offering an innovative marketing platform for autonomous management of social networks and comprehensive marketing support for real estate agencies. The company stands out for its specific expertise in the real estate sector and its ability to adapt to the varied needs of its customers.

The project


designed pages


SEO optimized


increase in traffic

We re delighted to share our recent adventure: the total transformation of the Cocoon-Immo website using Webflow, to bring a fresh and innovative touch to the user experience. Here are the cornerstones of our project:

  • We redesigned the user journey from A to Z to make it more dynamic and engaging.
  • A graphic redesign was carried out to ensure that the site perfectly embodies the soul of Cocoon Immo, in harmony with its graphic charter.
  • The Cocoon-Immo teams are now fully equipped to manage and edit the site autonomously on Webflow.
  • And of course, we ve ensured that the user experience is both intuitive and user-friendly.

The stages of the project

Logo Figma en noir et blanc


7 days
Logo de Figma

UI Design

8 days
Logo Webflow

Dev. Webflow

6 days

Research and UI/UX Workshop

  • Persona identification: We define personas to understand the needs and behaviors of target users.
  • UI/UX workshop: We organize a workshop with stakeholders to discuss objectives, functionalities and user flows.
  • Competitive analysis: We study competing websites to identify best practices and opportunities.

Tree structure and Wireframing

  • Tree design: We create a site tree to define the structure and organization of information.
  • Wireframing : We create basic wireframes for each page, based on the tree structure.

Design and Webdesign guidelines on Figma

  • Moodboard: We create a moodboard to define the mood and visual style of the site.
  • Color palette and typography: We choose a color palette and typography that match the brand s identity.‍
  • Mock-up design: We use Figma to create high-fidelity mock-ups based on wireframes and design orientations.‍
  • Customer validation: We present the mock-ups to the customer for validation and adjustments.

Webflow development

  • Site structure: We establish the basic structure of the site in Webflow.
  • Design integration: We integrate the design elements down to the pixel.
  • Functionality development: We add interactions, animations and more.
  • Mobile optimization: We ensure that the site is responsive.
  • Technical SEO: We implement elements for SEO.

Testing and launch

  • Functional and compatibility testing: We check that everything works as expected on different browsers and devices.
  • Audit: We carry out a detailed audit of the site.‍
  • Customer review: We set up a tool to collect customer feedback easily.‍
  • Final modifications: We make the final changes.‍
  • Deployment: We put the site online.

Maintenance phase

  • Monitoring and analysis: We use analysis tools to track site performance.
  • Support and updates: We provide regular updates based on customer needs and site performance.

The benefits for the customer

The Cocoon Immo company and teams now benefit from a new, clean and modern website, in line with their values and with a strong graphic identity.

Search engine optimization (SEO ) ensures top placement in search results.

This redesign will enable users to easily understand the company and have an optimal browsing experience.

The new website has become a powerful communication tool for Cocoon Immo.

View of the Webflow site created during this project.


Mobile view of the Webflow site created during this project.
Full screen view of the Webflow site created during this project.
Full screen view of the Webflow site created during this project.

"With Webflow, Cocoon Immo has become more than a real estate service: it s a dynamic platform that puts the owner at the heart of the experience."