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Webdesigner - UI / UX Designer

The UI/UX Designer at Ouiflow is responsible for creating web design mockups and systems, understanding customer needs, and managing projects.

Photo d'une équipe en train de travailler au sein d'une agence Webflow


Ouiflow is a No-Code web agency specialized in creating websites on Webflow.

We support companies of all sizes, from SMEs, through Startups, to large groups (+500 employees) in the redesign of their website and the implementation of digital tools.

The mission

As a UI/UX Designer, your role will be central in the development of Ouiflow 😀

The main missions will be as follows:

  • UI/UX design mockup creation
  • Web Design System Creation
  • Appointment to discover customer needs
  • Creative and UI/UX workshop animations with customers
  • Project monitoring and management
  • Content creation for Ouiflow's inbound strategy
  • posts on social networks (mainly LinkedIn and TikTok)
  • Tutorial videos on Youtube
  • creating mockups

Your profile

Beyond skills, we are looking for a person above all Passionate about the web And the No-Code tools.And above all, we are looking for a person who has the willingness to learn and try new things. So you won't be afraid to go Delve into YouTube tutorials to find the answers to your questions.

Ideally, your profile should meet the following criteria:

  • Mastery of the Adobe suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After Effect, First Pro)
  • Figma Mastery (to make beautiful website mockups)
  • Capabilities of drafting
  • Design knowledge and current web trends
  • and autonomous
  • Curious and in constant graphic monitoring
  • Passionate - Armed with real determination, able to learn quickly and to work on several subjects at the same time
  • Force of proposal, always wanting to change the initial strategy.

The little extras that we will love:

  • Skills in Motion Design
  • Skills in web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Knowledge of Webflow


Location : Teleworking + meetings in Lille

Level of studies : License 3/Master (Bac +4/5)

Status : CDD then CDI

Remuneration : According to profile & status (+bonuses)